20 Web Projects with Vanilla Javascript 🚀

Inspired by Traversy Media's Udemy Course

The goal of this website is to showcase some web projects I have realised during my continous training in web development.

All projects below are made of pure HTML, CSS and Vanilla Javascript (no frameworks or third-parties libraries were intendly used).


#1 - Form Validator

A basic form validator in pure vanilla JavaScript.


  • Events
  • Regex
Open project

#2 - Movie Seat Booking

A theater's movie seat booking simulator.


  • Modules imports
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Local Storage
  • CSS Animations
Open project

#3 - Custom Video Player

A custom video player made from absolute scratch, using only the JavaScript HTML5 Video API.


  • HTML5 Video API
Open project

#4 - Exchange Rate Calculator

A simple but useful application to convert currencies, using real and up to date exchange rates! It uses ExchangeRate-API to get the current data.


  • Fetch API
  • JSON
Open project

#5 - DOM Array Methods

Basic project to illustrate some JavaScript array methods.


  • forEach()
  • map()
  • sort()
  • reduce()

⚠ Designed for desktop only.

Open project

#6 - Menu Slider and Modal

A more CSS heavy project, consisting of a basic landing page including a side menu with slide animation, and a modal. All made from scratch.


  • DOM Manipulation
  • CSS Animations
Open project

#7 - Hangman Game

The popular Hangman Game. It uses an API called Random Word API to get random english words.


  • DOM Manipulation
  • SVG
  • Keyboard Events

⚠ Designed for desktop only.

Open project

#8 - Meal Finder


  • Fetch API
  • JSON
  • CSS Animations

A recipe library to find your next meal! It uses the API from TheMealDB behind the scenes. You can also search recipes by keywords, or get one randomly. Enjoy! 🍔

Open project

#9 - Expense Tracker

A simple app to track your income and expense transactions 💰


  • Array Methods
  • Local Storage
Open project

#10 - Custom Audio Player

A custom music player made from scratch, using only the JavaScript HTML5 Audio API.


  • HTML5 Audio API
Open project

#11 - Infinite Scroll Posts

A simple app fetching random posts from the JSON Placeholder API to show an infitine scroll feature made with JavaScript.


  • Fetch API
  • Async/Await
  • CSS Loader
Open project

#12 - Typing Game

A keyboard typing game with 3 levels of difficulty. Give it a try! ⌨️


  • DOM Manipulation
  • setInterval()
  • Keyboard Events
Open project

#13 - Speech Text Reader

An interesting app for disabled people, allowing them to synthesise predefined sentences, or generate their own! It uses the SpeechSynthesis API.


  • Web Speech API (SpeechSynthesis)
Open project

#14 - Memory Cards

An app to create useful flashcard cards that will help you study better! I used some principles from the CUBE CSS Methodology for better structuring the front-end.


  • CSS Animations
  • Local Storage
Open project